GandalfWeb is a new concept in website publishing. It employs a sophisticated new technology that allows you to design and create your own site, incorporating text, images and music as well as a range of database-driven functions—all consistently integrated into your chosen style or 'theme'.
Cut costs drastically by choosing your GandalfWeb styling option, selecting your pages, and creating your own content. It's quick and easy, and gives professional-looking results! And once your domain name is registered you have complete freedom to decide when to 'go live'.
You can log in to your GandalfWeb site at any time to change the content, so it need never be out of date. Different users can be assigned different access levels, so that one person could be responsible for, say, maintaining the content, while another could look after the mailing lists etc.
Backups can be created at the click of a button, and are held offsite for additional security. Restoring a backup is also just a matter of 'select and click', so you can try out an idea, and if you (or your customers) don't like it you can easily go back to the previous version.
GandalfWeb supports an ever-growing range of add-ons which allow you to integrate such functions as mailing lists, events diaries, booking forms, document downloading, etc.
We offer copy-writing services at competitive rates for people and organisations who don't have the time, or perhaps the inclination, to create their own content.
We can also check your site over after you've created it and make sure it doesn't contain any typos or grammatical or stylistic errors, and can source your images for you. In other words you can choose your own level of service.